Adventure Tales of America - Illustrated U.S. History Books
by Jody Potts, Ph.D.
Signal Media Publishers

Adventure Tales of California: From Exploration to Statehood, 1534-1850 - PDF download!  FREE!

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Follow the adventures of California under three flags -- Spanish, Mexican, and United States -- and see for yourself what drew settlers to the "golden state" for three centuries. Explore with Juan Cabrillo, colonize with Gaspar de Portola and Junipero Serra, grow wealthy with rancheros, rodeo with vaqueros, trailblaze with Jedediah Smith and John C. Fremont, win California for the U.S. with James K. Polk, pan for gold with John Sutter, and preside over statehood with Peter H. Burnett.

The book features a left and right brain text/illustration format that helps you learn faster and remember longer.

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Adventure Tales of California: From Exploration to Statehood, 1534-1850
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